WhatsApp Connector

Send WhatsApp notifications and bulk proactive messages to your customers

WhatsApp Connector for sending notifications from Zendesk®

If you are a Zendesk® customer, you can start sending WhatsApp notifications now. Using our WhatsApp Connector, outbound messages based on Facebook’s authorized templates can be delivered to your customers in multiple ways.

New conversations or responses beyond Facebook’s 24 hour limit can be established from the Agent Workspace via macros that set the appropriate conditions in Zendesk® Support, and then send the selected WhatsApp notification using our software and Sunshine Conversations.

Not only can you send responses past Facebook’s 24 hour limit, but our Connector unlocks brand new potential for how you can use WhatsApp for your business.

You can also send bulk WhatApp notifications to a list of customers from inside Zendesk® using campaigns. Creating a WhatsApp campaign is extremely easy. All you have to do is specify a WhatsApp template and upload your Excel or CSV file directly to Zendesk®.

WhatsApp Notifications: new conversations, dynamic outbound messages, and responses after more than 24 hours through Zendesk<sup>®</sup> Suite, Zendesk<sup>®</sup> Sunshine Conversations and Respira Connector for WhatsApp

With the use of Triggers, Macros and Automations, your team will be more efficient than ever before. For example:

  • You can send an automated WhatsApp to the head of sales when you receive an email from a VIP client.
  • You can enable your agents to send predetermined WhatsApp notifications with one click to your customers.
  • You can send an automated WhatsApp notification if a client does not responde to a previous notification in 24 hours.

Triggers, Macros and Automations will keep both your agents and customers happy!

You may also use the WhatsApp Connector to welcome your clients and ask them to start a conversation from the Zendesk® Agent Workspace:

Macro WhatsApp Screenshot

It is also possible to send WhatsApp dynamic messages using other applications (PMS, Ecommerce, CRM, CPQ, ERP, etc). Those messages are usually accommodation reservations, online orders, welcome messages to new clients, quote requests, invoice collections, etc.

Respira Connector for WhatsApp

Imagine you run a hotel. We can set up the Connector so that when a reservation is made, a WhatsApp notification is sent automatically with some text and a link with all the details. We may also deliver another message 48 hours prior to the check-in with specific information about the stay.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless. Contact us to find out how the WhatsApp Connector can suit your business needs.

You can review the WhatsApp Connector and launch its installation through Zendesk®'s Marketplace.

Contact us

Contact us if you want to see how Zendesk® Suite, Zendesk® Sunshine Conversations, and our integration work together to send new WhatsApp notifications or respond to customers after more than a day.

We will also be happy to analyse how to set up these systems, and adapt our development to proactively communicate with your customers via WhatsApp in the most effective manner.

By working with us, you will benefit from:

15+ years implementing CRM and CX solutions
15+ years building apps and integrations
Former Zendesk® employees
Specialised Partner. We only work with Zendesk® as CRM / CX solution.
Certification in Zendesk® Suite, Sunshine Conversations, and Sell
Zendesk® training and best practices for administrators and users
Agile procedures for evaluating, implementing, and developing
Flexibility in the way of working and speed in the face of incidents
Multiple references and focus on the satisfaction of our customers