Trials and Proof of Concepts (PoCs)

Trying Zendesk® before commiting

Trials and Proof of Concepts (PoCs)

Trials are available for Zendesk® Suite (Omnichannel Customer Service, Help Desk, Internal Support), Zendesk® Sell (Sales Automation & Management), and Sunshine Conversations (rich messaging, notifications, and outbound communications through instant messaging apps and other channels). Sunshine platform can be tested as a part of your Zendesk® Suite trial.

From the Customer Experience side (Suite and Sell products), making some tests on a trial environment can be useful in case you are already familiar with Zendesk® or comparable applications. Take into consideration that the configurations, communications, and actions you carry out will remain if you contract Zendesk® with the same subdomain or credentials - there is anyway the possibility to start from scratch.

Example of a Zendesk<sup>®</sup> Suite trial

Also, pay attention to the trial plan: Professional Edition (suggested) for Zendesk® Suite, and Elite Edition (by default) for Zendesk® Sell. In case you end up contracting inferior plans, some features of the Trial will not be available, and the related-configuration will be lost. At any time, agents and sales reps can be added, and Suites & other capabilities can be upgraded.

For Service, Sales or Customer Experience projects involving many agents, sales reps, departments, communications, channels, locations, etc. we can advise you with your trial at a reasonable price, and even run a paying Proof of Concept (PoC) for the most critical or complex scenarios.

Book a 30 minute conference now to discuss all this. Our demonstration environment spans the most advanced plans of these products, add-ons, public apps, WhatsApp notifications, custom reports and much more so we validate the extent in which Zendesk® and our services meet your needs and expectations.

Contact us for more information.

By working with us, you will benefit from:

15+ years implementing CRM and CX solutions
15+ years building apps and integrations
Former Zendesk® employees
Specialised Partner. We only work with Zendesk® as CRM / CX solution.
Certification in Zendesk® Suite, Sunshine Conversations, and Sell
Zendesk® training and best practices for administrators and users
Agile procedures for evaluating, implementing, and developing
Flexibility in the way of working and speed in the face of incidents
Multiple references and focus on the satisfaction of our customers