Moving from using Gmail to Zendesk

We help you with the process

Gmail Migration & Integration

Gmail is the choice for startups in all stages and other types of recently created companies. They often handle tickets, support requests and sales opportunities through it.

When those interactions cannot be managed anymore with Gmail and a scalable CRM or customer service or sales automation solution is needed, Zendesk® is a frequent choice. By working with us to implement it, there are immediate gains in the productivity and satisfaction of your support and sales organisations, together with a better understanding of the customer cycle and an improvement of its management through automations, analytics and self-service.

Email Tracking App working with Gmail and Zendesk<sup>®</sup> Support [Email Tracking App, Gmail and Zendesk<sup>®</sup> Support Integration. CRM and Customer Experience (CX)]

With our practical approach, you can start taking advantage of Zendesk® Support or Sell in less than a week and progressively adopt useful functionalities that make your customer service and commercial personnel quickly prefer this software over Gmail.

Integrating both systems is also simple and there are many apps in the marketplace that extend their reach. One of our favourite ones for Support is Email Tracking that allows us to know whether an email has been opened. A comparable functionality is provided by Zendesk® Sell when sending the communications through it.

Contact us for a free 15 minute meeting to determine how to evolve from Gmail to Zendesk® for managing customer requests or sales cycles for an optimised Customer Experience.

Contact us for more information.

>> Check Gmail Apps in Zendesk®

By working with us, you will benefit from:

15+ years implementing CRM and CX solutions
15+ years building apps and integrations
Former Zendesk® employees
Specialised Partner. We only work with Zendesk® as CRM / CX solution.
Certification in Zendesk® Suite, Sunshine Conversations, and Sell
Zendesk® training and best practices for administrators and users
Agile procedures for evaluating, implementing, and developing
Flexibility in the way of working and speed in the face of incidents
Multiple references and focus on the satisfaction of our customers